The Filipino United Church of Christ (in its 47th year) continues to build a foundation of consistent community service, intergenerational team building, meaningful worship, and mission-minded evangelism & discipleship events that reflect the vision of the Filipino UCC.
Filipino UCC is located in the community near Waikele and exits to the major freeway. We value the various ministry potential and growth for community outreach, evangelism, and discipleship in our 3.25-acre property.
We celebrate monthly Communion every First Sunday of the month, adult baptism and child dedication.
There is an active Church Council that represents the governing body of the church, authority to manage, conduct, and control the business and affairs of the Church. The Council consists of the Officers and Chairpersons of Board of Trustees, Deacons and Deaconesses, and Christian Education; Committees of Stewardship and Finance, Worship and Music, Amendments, Nominations and Appointed Committees; and Auxiliary Organizations of Youth, Women, Men, and Special Events.