Filipino UCC is a body of believers:
Whose center of life, empowerment and inspiration is in its vibrant worship celebrations
Committed to invite others to Christ, to grow and mature in the grace and knowledge of God, to count the cost an experience the joy of discipleship
that care for each other and grow together in love accepting and welcoming of all people; cares for the poor and powerless as Jesus did
Whose ministries and mission are maintained in a church building of its own.
Making worship alive, relevant, diverse, intergenerational
Inviting people to a personal relationship with Christ and providing opportunities for spiritual growth and maturity
Strengthening a loving and caring relationship among members
Welcoming all people of different backgrounds, languages, cultures
Reaching out to the community to help the poor and powerless
Sharing our resources-talent, time, treasures, for the glory of God
SafeChurch Policy 2024

Contact Us:
For General Inquiries: hello@filipinoucc.org
For Community Outreach, Prayer, and Visitation: deacons@filipinoucc.org
For Christian Education Programs: ce@filipinoucc.org
For Finance & Stewardship: finance@filipinoucc.org